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Writer's pictureRyan Gleason

Wet Review

Updated: May 8, 2023

Now you might ask why I am bothering to review Wet over 10 years after it came out. This is a valid question that has a couple answers to it. First and foremost I just FUCKING LOVE WET. I constantly think about this game even when I hadn’t played it in years. Someone asks what games you want a sequel to or games that are underrated, Wet that comes to mind. The other reason is because of the recent acquisition of Zenimax by Microsoft. Wet was developed by Artificial Mind & Movement(who is now Behavior Interactive) and published by Bethesda, a subsidiary of ZeniMax; you see the connection here. Shortly after this purchase was finalized a ton of Bethesda games were put on GamePass. One game that was not on this list was Wet. I went out and re-purchased a disc copy of Wet and re-connected my Xbox 360 so that I could replay Wet. One day Wet will get the recognition it deserves, one day.

The main loop of the game is going into an environment with several enemies, diving, sliding, wall running, or jumping around while unloading your weapons into their bodies, acrobatic killing is the name of the game here. During these encounters, you are scored based on how many enemies you can kill in the coolest of ways. The quicker you kill, the higher your multiplier is, the higher your score is and the more style points you end up with at the end of a chapter or arena fight. With these style points, you can upgrade Rubi and her weapons. Upgrades to Rubi include upgrades like more health, shooting from ledges, and different attacks with her sword. The weapon upgrades are just more damage, more ammo, and a higher fire rate. Again nothing super inventive or deep but completely serviceable for what you are doing as Rubi.

Arena fights are pretty much like the regular fights with a few exceptions. In arena fights, enemies will spawn infinitely until you destroy some spawn beacons around the map. Your health will regenerate based on how high your multiplier is, so the faster you kill, the quicker you heal(pretty badass right?). One last thing about arena fights is the part that gives off Tony Hawk vibes, and that's during these fights kickass music is playing in the background while you are murdering all these fools, racking up a high score. Seriously this soundtrack kicks ass, the first arena song has been stuck in my head 24/7.

Honestly, that is kind of the game right there. In the story, you play as Rubi where you are tasked to get a case for a client that ends up being a heart for his dad. After that, you are sent on another task which leads to another, and so on. Rubi is pretty much just a mercenary working for groups of bad people with money, she has a crew that she works with sometimes but they are pretty clearly just there to take up space. The story is just there, its purpose is to put Rubi into situations where she can be a badass acrobatic killing machine, and it does what it set out to do successfully.

Wet is a game that holds a special place in my heart and a game I believe to be seriously under-appreciated. It is not super long, does not have that much replayability, and the story is kind of just there to be there. All of this on paper makes it sound like Wet is something you should not care about but EVERYTHING else in this game is exciting, fast-paced, stylish as fuck action. Imagine a combination of Stranglehold, Tony Hawk, Devil May Cry, and Grindhouse, that is this game, that is Wet and Wet is fucking killer.

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